Lemons, rich in essential vitamins and nutrients, offer numerous health benefits. To highlight their vibrant, nutritious qualities, we've crafted a Mediterranean-inspired recipe that celebrates their bright, refreshing flavor.
Starter: Lemon and Ricotta Tortellini with Lime Butter
Ingredienti: (Serves 6)
Für die Tortellini:
- 150 g Mehl
- 150 g Hartweizengrießmehl
- 10 Eigelb
- 3 Esslöffel Olivenöl
- Salz
Für die Füllung und die Sauce:
- 300 g Büffel-Ricotta-Käse
- 50 g geriebener Parmesankäse
- 2 Zitronen
- 3 Limetten
- 1 Eigelb
- 200 g Butter
- Begin by making the pasta dough. Whisk both flour and salt together in a large mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the eggs and olive oil.
- Carefully whisk all the ingredients and gradually combine until a smooth, compact mixture appears. Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes.
- For the filling, mix the ricotta cheese with grated lemon and lime zest, then add the Parmesan and the egg yolk. Season it with salt and pepper and put it in a cool place.
- Roll the dough either by hand or through a pasta roller to 2-3mm-thick sheets. Using a circular 3-inch cutter, cut out pasta rounds.
- Spoon 1 teaspoon of filling into the centre of each pasta round. Moisten the edges with water and fold over tightly into a half-moon shape, taking care to remove any air pockets.
- Draw the corners together, pinch and seal. Toss the completed tortellini in a little flour so it doesn’t stick.
- Cook the tortellini in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Heat butter in a pan with a squeeze of fresh lime and grated lime zest. Lightly toss the tortellini in the butter, then serve hot. Garnish with a grating of Parmesan and fresh basil to taste.
Main dish: Papillotes of Sea Bream with Citrus Fruit
Ingredienti (Serves 4)
- 1,6 kg frische Seebrasse
- 1 unbehandelte Zitrone
- 1 unbehandelte Orange
- 1 Grapefruit
- einige Blätter Basilikum, Minze, Thymian, Petersilie
- Salz, Pfeffer
- Natives Olivenöl extra
- 1 blanchierte Fenchelknolle, in dünne Streifen geschnitten
- Backpapier
- Scale and gut the fish and cut it into fillets.
- Remove the orange peel with a potato peeler and carefully eliminate the white, bitter part. Cut it into very thin strips.
- Peel citrus fruits "alive" and obtain the wedges, taking care not to leave any white membrane; squeeze the juice and reduce it to half over low heat.
- On a squared piece of baking paper, lay the fennel strips, the reduced juice, the herbs and the raw fish fillet with some orange peel on top, the mixed citrus wedges, a drizzle of oil, salt and pepper.
- Wrap the baking paper in the shape of a bundle, then close it with a cooking string.
- Bake at 180 degrees for 6 minutes.
Nachspeise: Amalfi-Zitronenkuchen
- 250 g glattes Mehl, plus extra zum Bestäuben
- 75 g Puderzucker, gesiebt
- 180 g ungesalzene Butter, gekühlt
- 2 Eigelb
- 1 egg, beaten
- 5 lemons, preferably Amalfi lemons
- 300 g Streuzucker
- 300 g ungesalzene Butter, gekühlt
- 6 Eier
- 9 Eigelb
- Begin by making the pastry. Blitz the flour, sugar and butter together in a food processor, pulsing until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the egg yolks and blitz again for 10 seconds to combine, then transfer the mixture to a bowl and bring together by hand to form a dough. Cover the bowl with cling film and transfer to the fridge to rest for 1 hour.
- Meanwhile, prepare the lemons for the filling. Grate the zest from all 5 lemons into a bowl and set aside, then juice the lemons into a separate bowl. Measure out 150ml of the lemon juice and discard the rest.
- Once rested, lightly dust a clean surface with flour and evenly roll out the pastry. Press the pastry into the tart tin and leave to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. Once rested, place a piece of baking parchment on top of the pastry and fill with baking beans. Blind bake the tart case in the oven for 15–20 minutes until golden in colour, then remove the paper and baking beans and continue to bake for a further 5 minutes.
- Remove the tart case from the oven and, using the beaten egg as an egg wash, brush the pastry evenly all over to seal. Return to the oven to bake for a final 5 minutes, then set aside and leave to cool a little.
- To make the filling, combine the lemon zest, juice, butter and sugar in a large, heavy-based pan and place over a low heat. Gently melt the butter, stirring well until the sugar has fully dissolved.
- In a separate bowl, whisk together the eggs and yolks until well combined. Pour the egg mixture into the saucepan and stir over a medium heat until the custard mixture thickens – take care not to let the custard boil as this will cause the eggs to curdle. Pour the filling into the tart case and lightly shake the tin to create a smooth, even surface
- Turn on the grill and, once hot, place the tart under it and allow it to cook until the surface begins to lightly char. Leave the tart to cool and set, then slice into even pieces and serve.
Our Lemon-Infused Skincare Treats:
In the same way that eating lemons promotes good health from the inside out, we also promote good skin from the outside in by applying Lemon topically.
Zitronen Gesichtswasser: Sanftes Peeling und reinigender AHA-Toner
Pentansäure-Peeling mit Aprikose